Board Meeting

2021 Meeting Information

Hello Woods Creek Neighbors!

Our 2021 Annual Neighborhood Meeting was on June 7th. A brief synopsis is below.

Responsibilities of the Board

According to
 The Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants for Woods Creek, the main responsibility of the Board is to maintain the current standards and amenities. The Board volunteers to handle the accounting, administration & communication of the POA, maintain neighborhood amenities, work with hired companies for contracted service, and ensure resident compliance. Board members were voted for and two neighborhood residents joined the Board, please see our Board information.

The Board typically meets every 3rd Monday. If you are interested in attending, please contact the Board. Please keep in mind that according to our Bylaws residents may only observe unless invited to speak by a Board Member and the President may limit the resident’s speaking time.

Neighborhood Committees

We have three committees: Events, Architectural Control, and Grounds. Events and Grounds need committee heads and more members. The Events Committee plans and implements neighborhood events. The Grounds Committee plans the Spring Cleanup and handles miscellaneous landscaping that is outside of our landscaping contract. Many residents ask how they can help; participating in a committee is how you can help. Please contact the Board if you are interested in participating in a Committee. 

Improvements to the Neighborhood

We are proud to announce the following updates: 1) Basketball courts striped, 2) New website, and 3) Trails connected at bottom of Woods Creek Rd by dam. Projects that have been approved are adding benches at bus stops, landscaping and installing mature trees at Marina entrance, and new signs for the pool....all to be completed in 2021-22. Resident input is always welcome. If you notice any issues with POA property, please contact the board:

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