POA Board

Board of Directors

Property Owners Association Board

The Board is comprised of your neighbors, who are unpaid volunteers, elected by neighborhood residents at Annual Meetings. The Board is charged with overseeing the operation of the POA, maintaining POA property & amenities, and ensuring compliance with the governing documents of the subdivision. These positions are elected by the membership to serve two year terms.

Current Board Members


President: Nathan – Aug ‘26
Vice President: Daniel – Aug ‘26
Secretary: Michael- June ‘25

Board Treasurer: Lee-June ‘25
Board Member: Romilla- June '26

The POA Officers are appointed by the POA Board of Directors. Following are definitions of each officer position’s responsibilities.

President: The principal officer of the Association and will manage the business affairs of the Association, may sign contracts, and sees that the orders and resolutions of the Board are carries into effect.

Vice-President: Acts in the absence of the President and performs other duties directed by the President and Board.

Treasurer: Shall have charge and custody of the funds of the Association, receive and make payments, and prepare financial statements. The bylaws allow the Treasurer responsibilities to be combined with another Officer position.

Secretary: Shall attend and keep the minutes of the meeting, record votes/actions of meetings and see that all notices are duly given in accordance with the bylaws. The bylaws allow the Secretary responsibilities to be combined with another Officer position.

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